nathangibbs: Yo Voté
Alex Barth: Puerto Rico
Oscalito: la bandera una vez mas
R9 Studios FL (Thanks to all the fans!!!): Puerto Rico(Viejo San Juan)
Andrea_44: Water droplets on Hosta
nataliesophia: crackerberry
ladytechnology: Mid-Peninsula Community Media Center
Mike Licht, Video Tech Breakthrough
the Italian voice: Working hard
A National Acrobat: Handshake.
daveynin: Weicome to Colorful Colorado
ornello_pics: Love Sign
Dee <3: the drunk monks
Dee <3: gossip girl
Debs (ò‿ó)♪: New suit II
Drab Makyo: Hand Model
noborder network: caution prohibido
Mykl Roventine: No Guns
Atomic Mutant Flea Circus: HappyTurkeyDay!!
emilio labrador: The American Border