Mount Fuji Man: French onion soup
Mount Fuji Man: Carousel Bar
Mount Fuji Man: Lot Full
Mount Fuji Man: Oak Alley Plantation
Mount Fuji Man: Oak Alley
Mount Fuji Man: Oak Alley Plantation - front of house
Mount Fuji Man: Still desperately seeking Xavier
Mount Fuji Man: Desperately seeking Xavier
Mount Fuji Man: Alligator in the bayou
Mount Fuji Man: Memorial
Mount Fuji Man: The grave of the woman blamed for the hurricane
Mount Fuji Man: Alligator and his shack
Mount Fuji Man: Louisiana swamp in the autumn
Mount Fuji Man: Alligator body part
Mount Fuji Man: The route of the new levee
Mount Fuji Man: Amphibious vehicle
Mount Fuji Man: Amphibious vehicle on the levee site
Mount Fuji Man: Former slave house, Oak Alley
Mount Fuji Man: Former slave house, Oak Alley
Mount Fuji Man: Oak Alley towards the levee
Mount Fuji Man: Close enough
Mount Fuji Man: Oak Alley
Mount Fuji Man: Gardening tools, Oak Alley
Mount Fuji Man: Orpheum Theater
Mount Fuji Man: Hallowe'en display
Mount Fuji Man: New Orleans mermaid
Mount Fuji Man: The happy couple and friends
Mount Fuji Man: Dire warning