neurula: St. Andrew's Cross spider (Argiope aetherea)
neurula: Mele bay
neurula: Coral at Devil's point
neurula: Reef at Hideaway island
neurula: Spider at Lololima falls
neurula: Mele Cascades
neurula: Mele Cascades
neurula: Clown fish!
neurula: New Year's 2010
neurula: Swimming with the fishes
neurula: Mt Yasur, volcano on Tanna Is.
neurula: Mt Yasur, volcano on Tanna Is.
neurula: Bat!
neurula: Rosella/hibiscus flowers
neurula: Port Havannah looking towards Moso Is.
neurula: Port Havannah looking towards Lelepa Is.
neurula: Port Havannah
neurula: Benjor resort
neurula: Market!
neurula: Blue hole/lagoon
neurula: View towards Erakor Is.
neurula: Palms
neurula: Blue hole/lagoon
neurula: Outrigger canoe!
neurula: On Lelepa
neurula: School
neurula: Clown fish