shahW: There's a birthday rooster
shahW: Happy Thursday, so I was told by Mr. Egg n Bacon
shahW: Call-to-action, strong they are
shahW: Lunch today: home cooked big all-day breakfast
shahW: Singapore silhouette
shahW: Lotus
shahW: Man made and nature
shahW: Progression
shahW: Every step counts
shahW: #03
shahW: Jack
shahW: Sunrise
shahW: Whosa head?
shahW: Great mantra: Eliminate Elitism Optimize Optimism
shahW: B'day noodle
shahW: Red b'day eggs for good luck
shahW: Grandma & me
shahW: Arfo swim
shahW: Don't mess with the wall, or else...
shahW: DJ Satay is showing how it's done
shahW: Jack frost icesome
shahW: Tropical tundra Xmas
shahW: I had friends....
shahW: He reckons he's pure blonde
shahW: Could use another 4-pairs of hands and extra head this week & next
shahW: This is what you get for staying back... Fireworks!
shahW: Stitches are out
shahW: Hangin' with the boys
shahW: Happy elephant is made of sweet