caseyplusthree: strawberry
During Quiet Time (Amy): To Boston with Love
kittypinkstars: Unicorn LOVE!!
whereismyseamripper: Downton Abbey Pillow
whereismyseamripper: Downton pillow
amy smart: Union Jack Quilt
Cross-stitch ninja: Owl fabric
Peace Lvr: Rachel Maddow Signing our copy of Drift
Annette - A Simple Breath: "Dallas Gets Lost in Seattle" Quilt
State Library of NSW: Soldier's goodbye & Bobbie the cat, Sydney, ca. 1939-ca. 1945 / by Sam Hood
nice icing: Black & white cookies
rose hip...: new pillowcases on the way...
David Lebovitz: basque linens
neviepiecakes: Bird House Cupcakes
hui+: . w
The Library of Congress: Woman aircraft worker, Vega Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif. Shown checking electrical assemblies (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Workman is doing the preliminary sorting, picking out the discards. Santa Fe trip (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Field of daisies and orange flowers, possibly hawkweed, Vermont] (LOC)