Giulio Nocera: industrialaarhus
hmariethegreat: ocean blvd.
polveregialla(Edwige & me): hiroshima mon amour
Alessandra Guglielmetti.: There exists in life an overwhelming, soul-dwelling understanding of nature, inherent in the human mind. Senses, and the very notion of feeling, thought, and guts, are entirely too primitive to comprehend all of nature's greatness and absolute wonder...
Matteo Pagnoni: So lonely
Sconsiderato: Non passa lo straniero!
Kαtyefamy: Espressione buffa expression funny
RoQui 2010 OFF: bello e impossibile...
barbara.mercurio: micio di notte
ArtistiCà: Alice.
ArtistiCà: The Girl With The Clock Earring.
ArtistiCà: La bellezza della profondità.
ArtistiCà: Faccetta.
I'mMarco: Playing with water
Kαtyefamy: La regina The Queen
CarSaBe: Coffee grounds
Roberto F.: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Sconsiderato: Litlle Spider HDR