Nerd Nest: List 21. #30lists
Nerd Nest: Soaking up the Spring flowers.
Nerd Nest: List 30. #30lists
Nerd Nest: Be prepared when you do special activities during Spring Break (cupcakes!) and take a bit of extra time to take a special photo. #nndailytip
Nerd Nest: On the blog today, @theemitimes is sharing her take on this month's #nerdnestchallenge
Nerd Nest: List 19 #30lists
Nerd Nest: Traveling for Spring Break? Try letting the photos speak for themselves with just a list of the things you did for journaling. #nndailytip
Nerd Nest: List 18. #30lists
Nerd Nest: One of my favorite things about Spring Breaks at home is more friend visits. For this Spring Break spread, I made sure to include pictures of those friend dates and included some conversations overheard between my kids and their friends. #nndailytip
Nerd Nest: List 17. #30lists
Nerd Nest: Get inspired to document a Spring Break from the past! How did you spend them as a kid? Skiing trips with my aunt and grandparents were my favorite during Spring Break. (Plus, pocket spreads work really well for old photos.) #nndailytip
Nerd Nest: #weeklyreadsfriday: Share what you've read, what you are reading, and what's on your to-read list. . . This week I finished: . . •A Brief History of Seven Killings-Jamaica, assassination attempt on Bob Marley, gangs and the CIA. This book was difficult, b
Nerd Nest: Time for @rukristin's #hclappy Take a selfie, write three things, tag three friends. 1) Thankful to have nice weather again after snow days. That'll come in handy for the parade tomorrow. 2) Spring Break so far has included dentist appointments, Pi Day ce
Nerd Nest: List 16. #30lists
Nerd Nest: Take note of the seasonal changes! #nndailytip
Nerd Nest: This week for #nndailytip I'll be talking about documenting Spring Break. I usually like to put the words Spring Break big and bold on the title page of my pocket spread for the week so it stands out as different.
Nerd Nest: List 15. #30lists
Nerd Nest: Embroidered shut some chair holes during movie time the past few days! At least the holes won't get bigger now. (Cats + kids = can't have nice things.) #megandoes52projects #52projects2017 8/52
Nerd Nest: List 14 #30lists
Nerd Nest: Try stamping times on your photos to show the rhythm of your day for Day in the Life. Also, @aliedwardsdesigninc DITL kits are so good! #nndailytip
Nerd Nest: @moscrappin is on the Nerd Nest blog with her take on this month's #nerdnestchallenge!
Nerd Nest: List 13 #30lists
Nerd Nest: Doing Day in the Life? Set a reminder for yourself on your phone or calendar or write a note to yourself so you see it first thing. You'll give yourself time to charge your camera / phone batteries the day before and you'll remember to start documenting i
Nerd Nest: List 12 #30lists
Nerd Nest: I end up with a lot of similar photos from doing Day in the Life monthly, like this family selfie in the car, which I have lots of versions of. I think these repetitions are an asset; I love seeing how we change over time. Don't think of going back to the
Nerd Nest: List 11 #30lists
Nerd Nest: I try to represent each of my family members in Day in the Life. Mixing far away and close-up shots keeps the layout more interesting and also helps to capture our environment. #nndailytip
Nerd Nest: #weeklyreadsfriday: Share what you've read, what you are reading, and what's on your to-read list. . . This week I finished: . . •The Grownup - This novella was a surprise bonus from @bookofthemonthclub. I liked the story and the narrator (Flynn is really
Nerd Nest: Just finished editing the photos @jake_nerdnest took of my bother and sister-in-law over the weekend! They are the cutest.
Nerd Nest: List 10 #30lists