ophis: pulling out at Greenlodge St
Boston Public Library: Boys dive into Dorchester Bay by "Sister Corita" BostonGas tanks, Dorchester
ophis: Pope's Pond
lee.toma: Even after all these years, there are still a few trails that I haven't explored in my own hometown. Granite that was quarried nearby was shipped from this location by the #Neponset River to build structures like the Bunker Hill Monument. This old railroa
Wes Aslin: Slow Glide
Rhode2Boston: Heron and Herring
NanosPhoto: Shore Line East at Niantic
Massjayhawk: Canton - Five O'Clock Shadow - Canton Viaduct
B.MacLean: Neponset River
Lightskipper: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Lightskipper: Double-crested Cormorant
Matt Tillett: White sucker
photo fiddler: Island Almost in the Sun
lee.toma: DSCF7046
lee.toma: IMG_0078
B.MacLean: A River Runs through it..
t55z: East Side Trolley Tunnel (Providence, RI)
Lacewing!: Platypus
lee.toma: IMG_3190
lee.toma: #Needham Town Forest #frog. #bikeride
srday25: 2013-08-15_Looking down at foredeck on Laura V
srday25: 2013-08-15_Marge
srday25: 2013-08-15_Rick Dumais drives Laura V
srday25: Marge Jeffries chats with Lois Brown-2013-08-15
srday25: Honeypups off Castle Island-2_013-08-15
srday25: Honeypups off Castle Island-1 2013-08-15
ophis: weevil release
ophis: weevil survey
ophis: chairs under peach tree