gurke: Chaos Communication Camp 2011: Rocket Scientists
gurke: CCCamp2011 at night
plaetzchen: IMG_1874
palimphread: CCCamp11_DSC_4547
Yottabyte2011: Chaos Communication Camp 2011 15
Simon Kossoff: Overland Park, KS
LK []: Chaos Communication Camp 2011
Pachulke2011: IMG_4030
Pachulke2011: IMG_4175
Teleyinex: Makerbot
okfn: IMGP3914
okfn: IMGP3980
okfn: IMGP4050
okfn: IMGP4108
okfn: IMGP4144
okfn: IMGP4147
okfn: IMGP4182
.:RPW:.: Some Hack Lab, Berlin
dreamtiger: So awesome that one of my top 5 kick-ass ladies @kat_braybrooke arrived in Berlin! We pillaged Prenzlauer Berg
S.Vegas: Olympic village
vivianxpan: trek through Sapa, Vietnam
Mike Babiarz: Sky Train Tracks
Lys Lydia: Garden party
sp_clarke: passed by
hrenney: Rainy day
BenSeese: DSC_6637