Pásztor András: Winter wonder | Best of 2018 top 25 | Thank you all!
玩家: 蔡譯心
Robin Huang 35: DSC_3764
Projekt: ZeroThree: DX Chogokin YF-29 Durandal - Ozma Custom Ver.
cafe yui: フォトコン供養 - セイバーリリィ
cafe yui: 神崎蘭子〜アニバーサリープリンセス〜
Miette-chan: PA070301
Rezso Kempny: Batmobiles
ken00423: Mikuphoto 77
Daroo Ulises: Lápices y colores complementarios - Pencils and complementary colors
AZURE_TB: two colored seaside