-Rodrigo Vargas-: Brunch studying
Claire Lafargue: La gaufre
Claire Lafargue: Little brother
Claire Lafargue: La Smala
Claire Lafargue: Métro, Paris
Claire Lafargue: Dans le métro
Claire Lafargue: Dimanche
Claire Lafargue: Laure & Firmin
Claire Lafargue: Autoportrait
-Rodrigo Vargas-: O Sr. António
-Rodrigo Vargas-: The smiling nuns
-Rodrigo Vargas-: Moroccan souk
-Rodrigo Vargas-: Is this a comeback?
-Rodrigo Vargas-: We have a case my dear Mr. Watson
-Rodrigo Vargas-: "To sell or not to sell…that's the question.."
clairelafargue: Missy Moon