*neina: Cute cookie. Smile..smile... Om nomnomnom!!
*neina: Magical nordic lemon cake. By ully
*neina: Hancurkan saja keyboardnya :p
*neina: pasupati at dawn
*neina: pasupati - me & my dad
*neina: pasupati5
*neina: pasupati4 - the workers
*neina: pasupati3 - the workers #2
*neina: bubbles sml
*neina: swim
*neina: My new pet <3
*neina: Tiktik's work
*neina: Birthday cake 
*neina: Bunny honey
*neina: Photography takes me adventuring :)
*neina: Homemade sausage wheatbread
*neina: I really forgot his name. Hmm.. I took this maybe 4 years ago in a Coal mining site. You can see the coal layer looking like black stripes..
*neina: Ahh.. Everywhere i see romance :) even when i'm walking alone in the middle of some ancient site..
*neina: Adventure we had with Zen in our combi :)
*neina: Sunset in speed
*neina: Giants
*neina: Dramatic thirst :p slrrp..
*neina: Foot footy
*neina: Sometimes, instead of waking me up, Ully loves to make fun of me and take my ugly sleeping position photos
*neina: Cipaganti area
*neina: Dangling Dragon
*neina: It finally came..
*neina: Highway romance