Pierre Beteille: BOOK #1 - The war of the worlds / La guerre des mondes
konaboy: Duck Dive
Genista: hard times
Glenn Meling: Social Siberia
Glenn Meling: Lars Billet
tim-johnson: Brooke Shelton - Editorial
tim-johnson: set-up shot
Zac Fisher Photo: Graci Green
Zac Fisher Photo: Milo Ventimiglia comic book photo cover!
Glenn Meling: Desert Rain
xxom: Beauty dish attachment
xxom: Strobist Porn: 52 cm Beauty Dish
aknacer: Life is what we make it
Josh Sommers: Sittin on Top of the World in His Hands
tim-johnson: Set-up shot
tim-johnson: A night out on the town - self-portrait
Photosmudger: Credit Crunch Softbox Parts