alancampbell22003: badger watch -4
alancampbell22003: badger watch -3
alancampbell22003: badger watch -5
alancampbell22003: badger watch -10
alancampbell22003: foxy the one eyed fox-3
alancampbell22003: foxy the one eyed fox-15
alancampbell22003: badger father's day happy Father's Day to all the fathers
alancampbell22003: badger watch in the heavy rain -14
alancampbell22003: badger watch in the heavy rain -13
alancampbell22003: badger watch in the heavy rain -9
alancampbell22003: badger watch in the heavy rain -8
alancampbell22003: badger watch in the heavy rain -10
alancampbell22003: foxy the one eyed fox and foxy lady-7
alancampbell22003: foxy the one eyed fox and foxy lady-9
alancampbell22003: foxy the one eyed fox and foxy lady-2
alancampbell22003: foxy the one eyed fox and foxy lady-4
Alan McCluskie: Great Crested Grebes
Alan McCluskie: A final farewell
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: White Stork - Ciconia ciconia
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Eurasian Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus
ddlane0708: Male Kingfisher..
ddlane0708: Kingfishers...
ddlane0708: Kingfisher ignoring the sign..
ddlane0708: Kingfisher...
ddlane0708: Female Kingfisher
alancampbell22003: badger watch -16
alancampbell22003: badger watch -8