Michelle @ i like orange.: The best pic I could get... All 108" and 2,916 squares of it. I'm so happy about this! #nofilter #scrappytripalong
ImAGingerMonkey: sewing tattoo - arm not quite as complete as I thought
ClassyQuilts: 34 Bangles!
ShapeMoth: EPP pillow (1)
ayliN--Nilya: Swap°pen - fertig :)
marzipanchen: Marcelle Medallion WIP
shecanquilt: Fat Quarterly Retreat - Brit Bee women and their project 51
_name_taken_: Anchors Away quilt, finished and gifted!
Jeni Baker | In Color Order: Little Apples Sparkling Cider Quilt
AxsMan: Laura Bouquet
AxsMan: Make a wish!
One ShaBby ChiCk: Cold War Kids with John and Laura
One ShaBby ChiCk: Kinda blurry but John, Laura, Heather and I
dotdotgoose: ispy x quilt
NotYetTheDodo: Hexy Sleeve
InspiredbyFelix: Brit bee screen-printing
MinxyMagic: Liberty Hexy Cushion
greenleaf goods: Finished voile quilt top
Blue is Bleu: 20120409 Triangle Quilt-1
life under quilts: travel quilt #3, as of 1-1-11
Stitchliterate: EPP 60 degree diamond stars
AxsMan: up on the roof!
AxsMan: Smokey on the wall
AxsMan: Smokey Joe
AxsMan: Winter skies HDR
Sing All You Want: Quilted Placemats 2
Sew Peachey: ticker tape pillow cover
verykerryberry: Pincushions
valmiller: From verykerryberry
Michelle @ i like orange.: Scrappy Pincushion Swap 3