MariClick: ssazT
barandash: dfte
Edur8: Rayos de luz en la oscuridad
ZMB: Gracie in the Bluebells
Shabbir Ferdous: The Stone Collector
RedEyedRex: Hairless Chimpanzee
This Year's Love: you are my heart's delight
eduardoPeixe: let me introduce Churchill
Monkey Balls: someone's been here before
Ryan Heyne: DSC_1524
Tina Scarrott: Wallaby
...stephanie...: Little Face
This Year's Love: This is funny on so many levels.
Monkey Balls: Telekinesis
[ ep ]: suzi
Patrick09: Bean And Pope
This Year's Love: Sweetness incarnate.
little_olenka: daydreaming passenger
Precious Roy: Pedro means business.
Boered: Puppies weren't meant to look this sad
...stephanie...: Sweetness