Nedanderthal: Ty and CJ enter the Chamonix Couloir
Nedanderthal: dancing on the ice with whippets
Nedanderthal: LICHENS
Nedanderthal: Ty and CJ to left, The Chamonix to the right
Nedanderthal: Alex Lowe Peak and the infamous Hellmouth Couloir, 2-13-12
Nedanderthal: thar she blows, Volcan Villarrica lets out some steam
Nedanderthal: la cumbre de Volcan Villarrica, 2,847 M
Nedanderthal: los chilenos
Nedanderthal: traversing around Villrrica
Nedanderthal: polar nomads
Nedanderthal: Volcan Mocho-Choshuenco al sur
Nedanderthal: IMG_7760.jpg
Nedanderthal: trunk of an araucaria
Nedanderthal: las termas geometricas
Nedanderthal: having some fun on Villarrica
Nedanderthal: Allen, Mike and Warren above the ashes of Puyehue on Villarrica
Nedanderthal: skiing by brail under El Cinco
Nedanderthal: Descending Volcan Lanin, 3776 M
Nedanderthal: Volcan Lanin, 3776 M
Nedanderthal: up and up Entre Rios, Las Leñas, Argentina
Nedanderthal: a la cumbre
Nedanderthal: mr ned enjoying life in SA
Nedanderthal: GOPR0082.jpg
Nedanderthal: into the fog
Nedanderthal: puma print!
Nedanderthal: la vida con Gonzalo
Nedanderthal: la cumbre de Volcan Lonquimay, 2,865 M
Nedanderthal: Avalancha en el Volcan! 1st ever Freeride event on Volcan Villarrica
Nedanderthal: sobre la piedra blanca