neo_rama: cadillac cats
f. bearclaw: fox patch
TOHMEI - zukosha: Portrait #70
Fumble Mouse: GodFinger Samples from 2010
pilllpat (agence eureka): couv clecalcul b
TinyApartmentCrafts: Needlefelted Succulent Terrarium
coleman engle: White Shells, NC pg. 1
coleman engle: White Shells, NC pg. 15
coleman engle: White Shells, NC pg. 11
coleman engle: White Shells, NC pg. 7
ldandersen: Snow on the LES | New York City
kathymacleod2: cookiesandmilk
czd72: Dancing in Pink
King Taco: IMG_5142
kathymacleod2: adventuresinari
lhongchou's photography: Winter Evening in Central Park
Jeremy Sorese: NEW CITY COVER { November 2010}
tophrrrr: Chris, 10th grade
featherbed: view from my robo-bed
mudpig: laundry
vvvanessa: midtown flowers
Steven Bornholtz: Rockefeller Flowers
Global Jet: round flowers; Manhattan (technically)
Hirata-cho: Go Go Gay Power Rangers!
Jeremy Sorese: HERMAN BLUME ( not really a detail, more like the whole thing)
noirnouar: Nouar
noirnouar: Nouar