Karppikala: Aurora
Karppikala: Aurora borealis in Finnish Lapland
mustohe: Kuotmuttijärvet
villesep: Finnish landscape
Quince_tan: キミと路地
sorek.uk: Canon FD 300mm f2.8L
Uldis Plinte: nFD 2.8/300
matayo74: Sandra & Grafiti
Akito_luo: F1020031
a.m.medina: pedestrian
JaS Photoland: _DSC8507-Canon QL17-AGFA CT100
nosypirate: Finally married.❤️
simplychelsetta: 14/52 Journey
Eila Hadssen: Summer
ElaizaLi: The parallels
thomasleech89: Zenit B
penwren: An October day at the coast, before the Brighton BA i360 changed the view
NASA HQ PHOTO: Expedition 54 Launch (NHQ201712170021)
this_is_art: V oh V
this_is_art: Fairytale
Lou-bella: Those Damn Dragonflys ;-)
Bartoffel: Felswand
the girl who made it on her own: my way of remembering
pixelmama: Foggy Tendrils