Hamish_Gill: Bow making in the woods with Connie
ildiko1VT: first snow
ildiko1VT: house in fog on VT RT 73
ildiko1VT: Quarry Road farm
ildiko1VT: heading down on Quarry Road
ildiko1VT: Case Street Community Club, Rt 116/Quarry Road, Middlebury, VT
ildiko1VT: water & ice on North Upper Middlebury River, Ripton, VT
ildiko1VT: North Branch of the Middlebury River, Ripton, VT
ildiko1VT: the sunset through the forest
ildiko1VT: Chipmunk house
ildiko1VT: the castle on the hill from window of the restaurant
sjs61: The Blue Hour Palette
RobLesliePhotography: Four spotted chaser
ildiko1VT: Montreal visit
ildiko1VT: the shed
ildiko1VT: Hewitt Road farmstead
ildiko1VT: Appalachian Gap, Buels Gore, VT
ildiko1VT: dancing snow beings
ildiko1VT: reflections in a pool of water
ildiko1VT: the little white camp
ildiko1VT: Chickadee in action
ildiko1VT: Chickadees at feeder
ildiko1VT: covered in white
ildiko1VT: Creek Road, Middlebury, VT
ildiko1VT: Ripton, VT - the fog rolls in on the meadow
ildiko1VT: collybias?
ildiko1VT: geranium
ildiko1VT: i've looked at clouds from both sides now
ildiko1VT: Bonsecours Market, Montreal, Canada