nithinkd: Sleepy as sho
nithinkd: Set fire to the skies
nithinkd: Ravens and clouds..
nithinkd: Shoots sky
nithinkd: In a whirlpool of light, Still as time
nithinkd: Feel the ice on you?
nithinkd: Flame It
nithinkd: Water above, Sand below
nithinkd: Beach bumball
nithinkd: Waiting to save a life
nithinkd: Layered strength
nithinkd: insectous rocks
nithinkd: Some roots never reach the soil
nithinkd: Hold yourself together
nithinkd: What grows on forts
nithinkd: Kibber beyond green ear..
nithinkd: Ready to burst, and fly..
nithinkd: Then she talked, to her reflection
nithinkd: Silver and Gold
nithinkd: The flames of goodwill..
nithinkd: Sparkle in.. sparkle out..
nithinkd: Times change.. frames dont..
nithinkd: Some drops stay..
nithinkd: And then the moon rose from behind the enchanted mountains
nithinkd: Lonely lamp on a street that is'nt..
nithinkd: Goddess of peaks
nithinkd: Steeds, Sand and Sky
nithinkd: Hope.. rests on stilts..
nithinkd: A castle of Floating wood..
nithinkd: Poetry in purple..