ndanger: Habib stuntin (& reading the rules). Lyann watches
ndanger: Joe is bright while Lyann hides in the shade
ndanger: Eric & Kat look cute 1
ndanger: Getting ready to embark
ndanger: Off the bow
ndanger: Another sailboat heads into the distance
ndanger: Target practice & our colors
ndanger: James eyes the winch
ndanger: Bird
ndanger: Map reading & knot tying
ndanger: Navigation aid
ndanger: James winching
ndanger: Yummy ravioli
ndanger: Joe at sundown
ndanger: Eric & the detailed (but not waterproof) charts
ndanger: Moon & water
ndanger: MOON
ndanger: Chesapeake Bay Bridge &Tunnel at night
ndanger: Dolphins 2
ndanger: Dolphins in the Atlantic
ndanger: Watching the whale watchers
ndanger: Whale head
ndanger: Whale tail (the ocean kind)
ndanger: Captain Habib has a reflective moment
ndanger: Captain Habib has a happy moment
ndanger: "Dude, a whale!"
ndanger: The whale magically appeared behind the boat
ndanger: Upclose whale from the side
ndanger: Whale
ndanger: Herme the whale blowing bubbles