ndanger: Happy 90th, grandpa
ndanger: The trail-head
ndanger: Waiting for Kai and Sarah
ndanger: Ka'au crater hike
ndanger: Smile
ndanger: Walking
ndanger: Improper form
ndanger: The cutest thing ever
ndanger: Beast of burden
ndanger: A different balance
ndanger: Faces of Iris & Bandit 1
ndanger: Faces of Iris & Bandit 2
ndanger: Faces of Iris & Bandit 3
ndanger: Proper form
ndanger: Assistance
ndanger: Kona 2
ndanger: Fuji Connoisseur Frame Closeup
ndanger: Fuji Connoisseur Frame
ndanger: Fuji Connoisseur Full Bike
ndanger: PGH Distributed Dance Party
ndanger: Iris
ndanger: Shoving off
ndanger: Hanging out
ndanger: Captain America
ndanger: Line-up
ndanger: Overcast
ndanger: Working the lines
ndanger: The Captain
ndanger: Approaching the opposite coast
ndanger: Ropes