ndanger: A frozen hell
ndanger: D.O.R.C.
ndanger: Stick, or perhaps David Bowie
ndanger: Pre-ride outside thick
ndanger: Hanging out at the start
ndanger: Rob's hands
ndanger: Snapping while riding: Steve's utili-bike
ndanger: Snapping while riding: Steve's utili-bike 2
ndanger: Milling about
ndanger: Mechanicals & photographicals
ndanger: Milling about 2
ndanger: Sweet skinz, brah
ndanger: Le Mans start
ndanger: Run you bastards
ndanger: Pretentious and abstract start
ndanger: Starting line mayhem
ndanger: Starting down the trail
ndanger: Liz shows wheelie skillz
ndanger: Winners
ndanger: Rob & Carol
ndanger: Going to ride more
ndanger: Liz & Jon getting shots
ndanger: Hi, I'm your organizer...
ndanger: Eric & Anna-lena
ndanger: King ted rides for kraynick's
ndanger: A random assortment of some food
ndanger: Mark is a bomber
ndanger: Anna-lena's well decorated muffins
ndanger: Rob, from below
ndanger: Racers edge cheese