Reynard_1884: Whitby, North Yorkshire
Reynard_1884: Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire
John David Murphy: Northern Gannets.
shay connolly: 019A1105
shay connolly: 019A0066 (16)
Halpino: Puffins nest building
John David Murphy: Alantic Puffin in the rain.
John David Murphy: A proud Male Little Grebe with his three offspring.
shay connolly: 0826 (4)
shay connolly: 0826 (3)
aaronohara: Comorant incoming
Halpino: Up up and away
aaronohara: Buzzard on the Dodder
Halpino: “How Do I Look ?”
aaronohara: Juvenile Blue Tit
aaronohara: Juvenile Blue Tit
aaronohara: Moorhens
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Kingfisher with a huge catch
colinstone1: Never tire of Kingfisher opportunities
kckelleher11: Island in Lake Galway
John David Murphy: Calling Corncrake.
shay connolly: 019A8240 - Copy
Halpino: Mandarin Duck
John David Murphy: DSC_0239-1-3
shay connolly: 019A0806
shay connolly: 019A1201
shay connolly: 019A1534
shay connolly: 0404(2)
shay connolly: 3H8A6291 copy_pe