NatureScapes007: Sharp-shinned Hawk
NatureScapes007: Atlas Moth
NatureScapes007: Indian Blanket Flowers
NatureScapes007: American Kestrel
NatureScapes007: Curve-Billed Thrasher
NatureScapes007: House Finch ♂
NatureScapes007: Elegant Trogon
NatureScapes007: View from the FJ Command Center 😍
NatureScapes007: Acorn Woodpecker ♂
NatureScapes007: Black-Tailed Rattlesnake
NatureScapes007: Spotted Leafnose Snake
NatureScapes007: Cactus Wren
NatureScapes007: Green Ratsnake
NatureScapes007: Gila Monster
NatureScapes007: American Kestrel
NatureScapes007: Varied Bunting
NatureScapes007: Vermilion Flycatcher ♀
NatureScapes007: White-Crowned Sparrow ~ juv.
NatureScapes007: Variable Sand Snake ♀
NatureScapes007: Long-Nosed Snake
NatureScapes007: Tiger Rattlesnake
NatureScapes007: Curve-Billed Thrasher(s)
NatureScapes007: Vermilion Flycatcher ♂
NatureScapes007: Periwinkle
NatureScapes007: Hermit Warbler
NatureScapes007: Green-Tailed Towhee ♂
NatureScapes007: Bridled Titmouse
NatureScapes007: Arizona Woodpecker ♂
NatureScapes007: The Tunnel View, Yosemite