Floyd Hopper:
Spring in the Foothills
Floyd Hopper:
Old Dodge Brother's Auto
Floyd Hopper:
Pink Daisies
Floyd Hopper:
Valley Oak
Floyd Hopper:
Floyd Hopper:
Blue winged teal
Floyd Hopper:
Black-necked Stilt
Floyd Hopper:
Water Under the Bridge
Floyd Hopper:
Old Milk Barn and Silo
Floyd Hopper:
Autumn Leaf Triangle
Floyd Hopper:
Rainbow Ridge
Floyd Hopper:
Reed Geometry
Floyd Hopper:
1957 Cadlillac
Floyd Hopper:
Standing Tall
Floyd Hopper:
Cloumbian Black Tailed Deer
Floyd Hopper:
Black-necked Stilt
Floyd Hopper:
Floyd Hopper:
Home on the Ranch
Floyd Hopper:
White Star Poinsettia
Floyd Hopper:
Tule Elk
Floyd Hopper:
Floyd Hopper:
Ice Punch Poinsettia
Floyd Hopper:
White-faced Ibis
Floyd Hopper:
Christmas Rose
Floyd Hopper:
American Kestrel
Floyd Hopper:
Tundra Swans
Floyd Hopper:
Cement Plant
Floyd Hopper:
Black Phoebe
Floyd Hopper:
Great Egret Feeding
Floyd Hopper:
Dangerous Skies