Yug_and_her: Transcended Goa
Shubnum Gill: Faiz Ahmed Faiz
Yug_and_her: e·the·re·al
wvs: lightning at sunset
Anoop Negi: Color Me Red ! ~ Free Burma
~Faiz: down by the grass..
~Faiz: ....
gil.from: Painting
varungm: IMG_0745_5
varungm: IMG_5829 copy
Yug_and_her: Munchkin :)
S h σ n i: For You ~
jeana58: Charlotte's House Surely Had Flowers
varungm: IMG_3464
varungm: E_MG_3731
Yug_and_her: You lazy Spiky
George Eastman Museum: W.F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody
State Library of NSW: Musical stars Madge Elliott and Cyril Ritchard's wedding, St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, 16 September 1935 / photograph by Sam Hood
Dreamzzzz....: “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.”
varungm: e2_5217
Sayra.: kitten - black & white
Fantasyfan.: 20080805_7331b
Roeselien Raimond: Wigglin' (Feral / Stray kitten)
Xie Kitchen: the return of the Evil Kitten Horde
GlobalGoebel: Melting Kiss (20080117_1545)
naromeel: Turtle Soup
~ geisha ~: thirsty...
Luc Boonen - PhLB: Autumnalia