View of Angel Glacier
LuigiMirto/ArchiMlFotoWord/Natura: Coppia di Lepidotteri su stelo secco di Canna Comune - Couple of Lepidopteri on stem dry Cane Normal - (Arundo Donax)
Valery Chernodedov: Beautiful pink rose in the garden of my friend
Fabricio Renato: DSCF2370
SDewittPhoto: Curious Onlooker
LostMyHeadache: Absolutely Free *: Reflecting on Lake Louise
Ray Charnock: Waxwing
Marc van Gulik: Barn Owl
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Fauvette grisette - Sylvia communis (Domaine Des Oiseaux, Ariège) 15 Aout 2013 #1
JonnyIomini38: 01,08,13, '' gruccioni '' 133
Greg Gard: American Oystercatcher chick
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): Color My World 7432
ik_kil: Tangará Amarillo
Dancing with Ghosts Graphics: Great Horned Owls Mother and Fledgling 461b
rtsteck: KD7C9837
claudio.marcio2: Saí-azul-fêmea - Blue Dacnis-female (Dacnis cayana)
Brad Pedersen: Loon feeding chick
harrybursell: f red-footed falcon preening Hungary DV8B0452
brunofurlan: Gruccione / Merops apiasper ( con vespa)
Insu Nuzzi: A Peregrine Falcon Fly-By
Patricia Ware: The Queen
claudio.marcio2: Saí-verde-macho- Green Honeycreeper male - (Chlorophanes spiza)
Glenn Bartley - Black-crested Coquette (Lophornis helenae)
soccersc(Jim Allen): IMG_5613aps
PhotoDaika: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Abutre do Egipto, Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) - em Liberdade [in Wild]