mr.hasgaha: Star Citizen: Sunday Drive (21x9 crop)
mr.hasgaha: Star Citizen: Disrepair
Karen Brodie Photography: The decisive moment ... Not quite the composition I had in mind in that split second of framing this candid moment ... But I think it does successfully tell the story, and evoke in the viewer, the emotion of the moment. There is nothing like the challenge
mfogiel: MF20155708
janeterrygers: janet errygers
meetzoobeeshe: Selfie El Águila
Zlatko Vickovic: up where we belong
...Matt Pringle...: In Transit #01
...Matt Pringle...: Stirling Tracks
Harold Davis: Inside the Pemaquid Lighthouse
Milton Y: Jamesie
undocumentarian: American Buffalo
Milton Y: The Tackle
Zlatko Vickovic: street artist
Zlatko Vickovic: the world is mine
Milton Y: Searching
{ tcb }: encapsulated creation
Flailchest: dapple 2