B&W addicted: Quiet reassurance ⬛⬜
May-margy: F-_DSC8006-2023-02-04-Nikon D300S-Voigtlander 58mm F 1.4-May Lee 廖藹淳
Morena Gaia Rampon: a sense of place
s_inagaki: Akita Shinkansen
salvo nicolosi: petra, jordan
╱╲LPHΛ |╲|ΣO |╲|OI☈ ╲╱ - IX: “L Θ V Σ” “Любовь, 愛,Amor, Αγάπη, Dragoste, Amour, Кохання, Dashuria, Liefde, Szeretet, Cinta, Liebe, Aşk, ಪ್ರೀತಿ,Amore, Kjærlighet, Láska, Kärlek, Cariad” “LΘVΣ is ...”
*Lisa.l: private room {A. your Love is King} 🌟
Domikawa4: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
May-margy: F-_MG_0272-2023-01-19-Canon EOS 6DII-Tamron 28-300mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
marc.pettenati: Light Burst
Gianfranco Taravello: pinball girl
marc.pettenati: Somewhere...
s_inagaki: Tokyo
May-margy: F-3S0A4872-2022-10-30-Canon EOS R5-Canon EF EOS R Mount Adapter-Canon 16-35mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
Morena Gaia Rampon: a sense of place
May-margy: F-3S0A4392-2022-10-28-Canon EOS R5-Canon EF EOS R Mount Adapter-Tamron 28-300mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
s_inagaki: Tokyo
alainpere407: Communication divine..
leopc.lin: Punished By Anger
ceclii: CGG_7887
Morena Gaia Rampon: A passing drizzle
FRANcisco /: october tones