I had the opportunity last month to shoot the meteor shower in Wyoming County. It was a great night gazing at the stars, seeing views I've never seen before. Here I'm looking through a 20-inch telescope up to the heavens. Photo by Ryan Hallock. @rhallock
#Lightning over the #FingerLakes overnight. Still grab from iPhone video. Quite a spectacular show overnight. #weather
Lighting up the reporter this morning with two @ikancorp 312s and a @westcottlighting #flex. We prepped for rain/flooding coverage this morning but it never materialized. I've had the flex out quite a bit in the rain these last few weeks. Fantastic waterp
It's been a heck of a winter in #Buffalo. This is from back in January on one of my many nights covering winter conditions. But the bright side is I heard several birds this morning when I was running errands. Almost over.
Riverworks along the #Buffalo River this morning before the start of the pond hockey tournament.