natesmith45: Get your morning off to the right start... #someofthemtrytorhymebuttheycantrhymelikeme
natesmith45: Ahhhh.
natesmith45: Homeboni time to freshen the ice.
natesmith45: Found a good one.
natesmith45: Doug? Sheesh...
natesmith45: Long day in the car.
natesmith45: Chase. #buffalo
natesmith45: Hello friend.
natesmith45: Running fixes everything.
natesmith45: Friday night movie night and the only couch Penny is allowed on...
natesmith45: Fall is falling.
natesmith45: Two wicked smaht girls, and not just because they are doing their homework... #pittsburghpenguins #pittsburghsteelers
natesmith45: Happy birthday, Eliza!
natesmith45: Look familiar @hemphillphoto ?
natesmith45: 15th first day as a teacher. That first day always comes whether you are ready or not! #missyoujack
natesmith45: Almost...
natesmith45: Summer isn't over yet.
natesmith45: Toughest 4-letter word on wheels. #jeep #1988
natesmith45: Storm clouds.
natesmith45: Sense a theme with my summer posts? #dockjumping
natesmith45: Morning run.
natesmith45: Without winter, one can not truly appreciate summer. #mainah
natesmith45: Next stop, DuBois.
natesmith45: Proof. #heavyhalf
natesmith45: Conquered it! #heavyhalf
natesmith45: Check-in time. #heavyhalf
natesmith45: Gunsight trail.
natesmith45: Towed the coop out of the barn finally!
natesmith45: GOTR 5k with Eliza and Hadley ran with Jess! #gotr