natamagat: Into the sunshine
natamagat: Minding my own cream tea by the seaside, seagulls had other ideas :)
natamagat: That much awaited time of year when the woods get their beautiful carpet of bluebells.
natamagat: Shepherd's sky in West Bay
natamagat: Skating at sunset
natamagat: Over Lyme
natamagat: Off they flew
natamagat: Peaceful morning under a dark sky
natamagat: Deutsche Küche on FriedrichStrasse
natamagat: Berlin past and present
natamagat: Berlin lovers
natamagat: Berlin war scar
natamagat: Berlin cranes
natamagat: Migration is not a crime
natamagat: Make love, not war. Berlin
natamagat: Chilling by the river, Berlin
natamagat: Chiiling on the river, Berlin
natamagat: Orange umbrella and white crosses
natamagat: Chillin' in Berlin
natamagat: Jewish memorial, Berlin
natamagat: Run free little one
natamagat: Me my selfie and I
natamagat: The kiss and the red selfie
natamagat: Hand me the Berlin wall
natamagat: View from the Berlin wall
natamagat: Berlin bridge near Monbijou
natamagat: Self portrait, of sorts
natamagat: The storm in my head
natamagat: Wave up, water down
natamagat: Thistle in the wind