Jasper Kanes: DSC05880 (2)
Jasper Kanes: DSC06537 (2)
Jasper Kanes: IMG_7068 (2)
Paul Tixier: Victoria
Paul Tixier: line up
Paul Tixier: intense
Paul Tixier: nearness
JuttaMK: as close as it gets....
JuttaMK: bubble net feeding
stealthvader: Breaching Humpback calf
stealthvader: Breaching Humpback Victim hwc#0736
Paul Tixier: surfing
jpmckenna - Not dealing with my Photo Backlog Well: Same Surfacing Sequence, Moments Later
jpmckenna - Not dealing with my Photo Backlog Well: Orca Just Off The Port Bow - Orcinus orca
jpmckenna - Not dealing with my Photo Backlog Well: Grey Whale Spy Hop With Eye Above Water
jpmckenna - Not dealing with my Photo Backlog Well: Orca Surfacing in Johnstone Strait
zkruz: P1140275
Towhee: The Camera Station at Cracroft Point
Alpine Light & Structure: Another rendition
sharkdefenders: Caribbean Reef Shark
sharkdefenders: Caribbean Reef Shark
Jean Knowles: A gift from Greenland
jmhoff10500: Moab 15