タケウマ: 2015.08.19-01
タケウマ: 2015.09.14-05
ellis nadler: The Week Just Past
bogema: Mochi
wizmo: Thanksgiving walk
wizmo: Thanksgiving walk
wizmo: harlequin
Wil Freeborn: The Fountain Bar, Edinburgh
fueledbycoffee: TEDxMidwest 2011
skurfee: sketch
evalottchen: Lupi Asensio Martin Lorenz: It’s all about the process & Elliot Jay Stocks: Tomorrow’s Web Type Today @ TYPO Berlin
markmonlux: IFVP_2012_page_01
groc: penguins
jwlphotography: In one ear, out the other.
carolyn alexander: wiwt040411
wizmo: poetry reading
wizmo: Dance!
wizmo: the fabulous G in performance
artistjohnwoolley: " STREETS OF EUROPE " by John Woolley / 4th grade.
artistjohnwoolley: '' THE PLANE TO FIJI '' by John Woolley / 10 years old
maureencrosbie: Junk Jewels
peel apart: Us, slightly out of focus.
sukey2: little houses