crissgirl: IMG_2297 copy 2
markver: Nicole
Bread & Circuses: Good Shepherd
Bread & Circuses: Bike(r) Culture, Tuesday Night, O'side
pdxpointer: ... a moon-bird ....
Solea20: Reflets d'automne
DeVaughnSquire: Not Finished Yet
DeVaughnSquire: The Way It Is Now
DeVaughnSquire: Birds, Birds!!
douglasleecoon: Trunk-Show
douglasleecoon: Lake Murray
Łosiu: DSC_0057
MEaves: Up And Away
BorisWorkshop: Waiting
Lo.Ra. sight: Lago di Loppio
travelphotographer2003: Snow Ghosts on Two Top
Nancy Rose: Supermoon over the Palouse
Gúnna: Have a peaceful weekend!
canon7dude: Cockpit
grobinette: Bald Eagle
grobinette: Bald Eagle
grobinette: Osprey
Nancy Rose: I have been rescued ;-)
Gúnna: Panorama View
Nancy Rose: One fine night
Nancy Rose: busy bee