Michael Turton: FaheyNE_117
Michael Turton: Spider on small red flower.
Michael Turton: April 2, 2012, Near 100% crop
Michael Turton: Oct_Kenting_100
Ben Canales: Crater Lake under the Stars
Michael Turton: Jul_random6
studawson: The Holy Ridge
studawson: The Holy Ridge
ToddinNantou: April 17 Ride
Michael Turton: Road crew worker near Majia on Ping35
Michael Turton: IMG_0859
kerim: The gift of SPAM, for that special someone…
Mr~Poussnik: 39GeorgeV wrapped building
莎拉拉(inυisiβle): 保安宮 保生文化祭
ToddinNantou: Taiwan Barbet
ToddinNantou: Taiwan Barbet
ToddinNantou: ROC POTS
ToddinNantou: Trip to Meifeng Farm
ToddinNantou: Taiwan Barbet
Michael Turton: GuguanRide61
Michael Turton: GuguanRide170
Michael Turton: GuguanRide126
drewsaunders: homemade keyboard stand
drewsaunders: Homemade Keyboard stand
ario_: new office & standing desk
chada: _MG_2843
LiveSoMa: Reverend Fred Phelps’s Twitter Protest 1/28/2010