Narreschip: Anser cygnoides
Narreschip: Geastrum triplex
Narreschip: MyFlickrYear24 Photo
Narreschip: Cladonia fimbriata, a trumpet cup lichen
Narreschip: Bjerkandera adusta
Narreschip: At the bakery
Narreschip: Cepaea sp.
Narreschip: slug eggs
Narreschip: Mycena pseudocorticola
Narreschip: Mycena arcangeliana
Narreschip: Mycena adscendens
Narreschip: Galerina spec.
Narreschip: Coprinellus micaceus
Narreschip: Pieris rapae
Narreschip: Aeshna mixta
Narreschip: Aglais io
Narreschip: Pholidoptera griseoaptera, adult female
Narreschip: Conocephalus fuscus
Narreschip: Ilione albiseta
Narreschip: Lygistopterus sanguineus
Narreschip: Rhagonycha fulva with Lygistopterus sanguineus on background
Narreschip: Palomena prasina nymph
Narreschip: Lestes barbarus
Narreschip: Pholidoptera griseoaptera (female)
Narreschip: Yponomeuta rorrella
Narreschip: Maniola jurtina
Narreschip: Pseudochorthippus parallelus-
Narreschip: Crabro cribrarius and Rutpela maculata-
Narreschip: Panorpa vulgaris-
Narreschip: Araschnia levana