fesign: Dawn at St. Mark's Square, Venice, Italy
RC Gold: out in the crowd (mtl) - 10129
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Eric Lafforgue: Miss Domoget, Bodi Tribe Woman With Headband, Hana Mursi, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
RC Gold: World on a String (mtl) - 4312
sedge59(away): Trees in the fog...
S Arman S: Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young
S Arman S: Festival Blues
S Arman S: shadows will fall behind you . . .
S Arman S: Eye of the Mind
S Arman S: Year of the Snake 2013
RC Gold: Ghost in the Machine (mtl) - 5362
RC Gold: Humility (mtl) - 8216
RC Gold: At a Distance (mtl) - 7216
RC Gold: These Things (mtl) - 2515
RC Gold: Converge (mtl) - 986