narani: eagle at toronto's African Lion Safari
narani: my niece trying to be a little trouble maker
narani: The Tin Man Robot.
narani: My little design hub
narani: another view of my little design hub
narani: business cards on thick cardstock
narani: business cards
narani: my business cards designed last year for my grad show..
narani: R.I.P Toopi. You were a good fish. You are now in fish heaven.
narani: me
narani: cute little munchkin, Naren
narani: spring blossoms
narani: watercolor
narani: roof?
narani: some spikey plant in front of my house...
narani: Sometimes, no matter how much faith we have, we lose people. But you never forget them. And sometimes, it's those memories that give us the faith to go on..
narani: there's nothing like walking out of the house in the morning and seeing the sky, smelling the world and hearing the birds..
narani: We do not remember days.. we remember moments.
narani: oldie
narani: hello
narani: betta boy.
narani: My hairy mustache.
narani: close up...
narani: process work