nano_el: Volúmenes y sombras
nano_el: Fondos de San Telmo
nano_el: mi compañero
nano_el: subrayado
nano_el: and after all you ́re my wonderwall
nano_el: in the sky
nano_el: down the road
nano_el: she's the one
nano_el: into the water
nano_el: el secreto de sus ojos
nano_el: la locura de Lola
nano_el: hand with sand
nano_el: city lights
nano_el: Sunrise
nano_el: balloons
nano_el: special ride
nano_el: so close
nano_el: my shadow friend
nano_el: point of view
nano_el: Noches de Rosario
nano_el: B.A.
nano_el: arq
nano_el: westy
nano_el: up in the sky
nano_el: flying away
nano_el: into the forest