Nancy Nieslawski: 128/365 12/09/11 005
Nancy Nieslawski: 12/09/11 013
Nancy Nieslawski: 12/09/11 020
Nancy Nieslawski: 12/09/11 030
Nancy Nieslawski: Barn and Silo
Nancy Nieslawski: Corn Crib
Nancy Nieslawski: My Favorite Barn
Nancy Nieslawski: Barn and Corn Crib in the Snow
Nancy Nieslawski: Tree Farm in the Snow
Nancy Nieslawski: The Fence Line
Nancy Nieslawski: Dimond Barn
Nancy Nieslawski: Vanishing Horizon
Nancy Nieslawski: Old Tractor in the Snow
Nancy Nieslawski: Path to Peacefulness
Nancy Nieslawski: Remembrance of Days Gone By
Nancy Nieslawski: You've Got Mail! But It's Wet and Cold
Nancy Nieslawski: Heavy Frost in the Barnyard
Nancy Nieslawski: Heavy Frost at the Fence Line
Nancy Nieslawski: Red Covered Bridge
Nancy Nieslawski: Back When
Nancy Nieslawski: Princeton Train Station
Nancy Nieslawski: Baker Lake Park Winter Sunset
Nancy Nieslawski: Lone Tree on a Lone Road
Nancy Nieslawski: The "Volunteer' in the Winter
Nancy Nieslawski: Mature and young Bald Eagle flying over Black Oak Lake, Woodhaven
Nancy Nieslawski: Bald Eagle flying over Woodhaven Lakes
Nancy Nieslawski: Deer at Woodhaven
Nancy Nieslawski: Deer at Woodhaven Lakes
Nancy Nieslawski: Out of Commision