:::Nana-MikiKo:::: OH-SO-Gorgeous Sea of Pinks & Whites #singaporespring #missingjapan
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: APRIL/SPRING : In search of 'sakura' with Mum ~ sooo Beautiful! ♡♥♡ #singaporespring
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: my chipmunk #肥仔 #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: I didn't know self-taking passport pic for babies is such a challenge!! Multiple NGs cos Baby A obviously doesn't look very happy smiling for the camera yesterday... #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: HAPPY 1-MONTH-OLD BABY A!! past 28days described in 1 word: NIGHTMARE. #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HUBBY! Baby A says HAPPY B'DAY DADDY!! No celebration this year cos u r not here..but u got the best pressie this year OK! Hahaha~ We♥U!! #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Brought our precious for photoshoot earlier this afternoon. Photographer had a hard time since bb doesn't want to sleep! Photo selection 2wks later~ #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: 'While Grandma burps me... Mummy busy taking photos only!!' #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: The past week: #confinement food. I have bad acid reflux and appetite ain't great. Great that I'm able to stomach rice & fish again~ AND i Prolly had 10yrs' supply of hot milo & longan red date tea! Yikesss!!
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: My 小帅 potd today~♥ #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Earlier when yiyi Jamie dropped by for a visit... and his 'stunned' look whenever he poos! Hilarious! #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Confinement? Can't Shop? Thanks to lovely Jamie for helping me get this and personally "deliver" to me! A little #mcm gift for Self!! Lovin' this season's floral paperbag~♥
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: My Hamburger-Faced Baby A this morning~♥ #audistefanokho on 20/2/2014
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: 1st #family photo after the one taken at hospital. Baby A - u are 1week old! #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Baby #audistefanokho ♥ car rides! Also prolly the only baby I dared carry in my life!!
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: 1st Paediatric Visit : Super Heartbreaking to see my baby Audi wailing n struggling so hard when placed in this home phototherapy.... get better soon baby! #jaundice #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Unfair MUCH! The hospital takehome pack includes a daddy-son couple tee! while I only got plain nursing gown! #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: At home with Baby @ 4days old #audistefanokho
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Valentine day #selca with baby #audistefanokho - Mummy ♥♡♥ U!! Cross fingers we can all discharge together tmr My Precious~♥
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Some ♥ from the Hub on Vday 2014. Finally have time to post. Been busy with post recovery and coping with baby! So much to learn! Sleep is so precious now!!
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: HUAT ah!!!! #cny2014
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: 初十 CNY Lunch Gathering!
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Cos I've got a HUGE beef burger craving...
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Pre-admissions paperwork done...Time to start packing those hospital bags! Seriously, knowing the date u are going to deliver is JUST AS Nerve-Racking! #37weekspreggy
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: It's a yummy seafood CNY Feast with family & Hub this evening! #jumbo #nsrcc #chillicrab
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: CNY chu-er movie marathon with ♥
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: 我的最爱CNY #sinful #junkfood besides bak kwa!! #pineappletarts #fatdieme #eatfirstdietlater
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: CNY Steamboat at home with Dad's signature noodles - YUMSS~♥ #fatdieme
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR to Family & Friends!!! 马上发财~ 马上有钱~ 马上变瘦~ (for the ladies~) Most importantly, 身体健康!!! From : Yrs Truly (in crap hair!) & #horsebabyinmytummy
:::Nana-MikiKo:::: Lou Hei!!! I secretly makan a few pieces of salmon..yumss! #yusheng