N.Aftab: Too many books, too little time.
N.Aftab: Islamabad <3
N.Aftab: View of Gilgit Valley from KK Highway
N.Aftab: Naltar Valley, Heavenly...
N.Aftab: Naltar Valley, Gligit
N.Aftab: Naltar Valley, Gilgit
N.Aftab: Hunza Valley
N.Aftab: Belle Mare <3
N.Aftab: Tick Tock!
N.Aftab: loner!
N.Aftab: Another perspective....!
N.Aftab: Peek a boo!
N.Aftab: The Mighty Dodo!
N.Aftab: Sadism
N.Aftab: Burst of Pistachio <3
N.Aftab: A piece from a friends clothing line *Zaje*
N.Aftab: A piece from a friends clothing line *Zaje*
N.Aftab: A piece from a friends clothing line *Zaje*
N.Aftab: pink yumness!
N.Aftab: what u see laying on the sand! <3
N.Aftab: A heavy mustache....or just death!
N.Aftab: the back of cow, an aliens head or a giraffe, ....or probably just shiva's snake :)
N.Aftab: Two sides of a story!
N.Aftab: calm.
N.Aftab: the last mauritiun sunset...
N.Aftab: Mr. Sad fish
N.Aftab: *sparkle*