nagajohn: Marrakech, Morocco
nagajohn: Congratulations Loreen
nagajohn: A Real Boyfriend isn't ashamed to hold hands or kiss his girlfriend in public.
nagajohn: Make her laugh. And you will have her heart
nagajohn: Oh, how I would like a poor Church, and for the poor. (Pope Francis)
nagajohn: Reconstruction Prambanan Temple 1991
nagajohn: Old Bedouin woman
nagajohn: Life is like a mirror if you smile at it, it smiles back.
nagajohn: Selfportret at longest wall painting in amsterdam
nagajohn: Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful too.
nagajohn: An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one. (George Mikes)
nagajohn: A woman is a sphinx without mysteries
nagajohn: Streets of Gizeh
nagajohn: Women in Middle East attacked for not wearing hijab Women in the West attacked for wearing hijab It's almost like women aren't the problem.
nagajohn: You can't shake hands with a closed fist. (Mahatma Gandhi)
nagajohn: Hard work betrays none. (Hachiman Hikigaya)
nagajohn: Cigarettes taste better paired with coffee and frustraition
nagajohn: Street Classic Okt. 1991
nagajohn: A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns. Mario Puzo
nagajohn: One day you’re the statue. One day you’re the pigeon. (Diane Sawyer)
nagajohn: Conditions in Tuscany are perfect.
nagajohn: Tuscany Florence Female police officers by the Ponte Vecchio Bridge
nagajohn: Priest leaving St. Peter's Basilica
nagajohn: Felicitations France
nagajohn: My mom told me, dont grow up too quickly once youre an adult youre an adult. (Camilla Belle)
nagajohn: When a teacher enjoys teaching, kids just know
nagajohn: I'll take a coffee with my sunshine
nagajohn: Do ist der bahnhof (Gebr. Temmes)
nagajohn: Don't look for society to give you permission to be yourself (Dr. Steve Maraboli)
nagajohn: Pray Together, Stay Together