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Flies only by Nadine V.
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Nadine V.
Idle Hoverfly…
Nadine V.
Dented Eye: a Fight with my Wife and I lost…
Nadine V.
Hoverfly showing off its brandnew striped pyjamas
Nadine V.
Tiny "Long Hoverfly"
Nadine V.
Tired of hoverflying
Nadine V.
Psychedelic Colours – without their swirling patterns
Nadine V.
An attractive setting makes me look (almost) attractive too...
Nadine V.
Miss Universe
Nadine V.
Close encounters…
Nadine V.
Let me help you and pull you out of that mess…
Nadine V.
Just hanging around
Nadine V.
It is better to be alone than in bad company (George Washington)
Nadine V.
Tiny hoverfly
Nadine V.
Hoverfly... (view large, please. Thank you.)
Nadine V.
Hoverfly in striped pyjamas
Nadine V.
Super Small, Slender, Smart, Sophisticated and Stylish: the Long Hoverfly (Explored)
Nadine V.
Hoverfly in a black-and-white world
Nadine V.
“Sit still so I can see what the neighbours are up to…”
Nadine V.
Look at my tail and guess my name: Scorpionfly!
Nadine V.
Lavender with Visitor
Nadine V.
Miss Universe…
Nadine V.
Nadine V.
The pretty Hoverfly and the Thistle (Explore)
Nadine V.
Nadine V.
Hoverfly wearing its party outfit
Nadine V.
A lick and a promise.
Nadine V.
Hurrying home to My Better Half...
Nadine V.
Almost there… About to land.
Nadine V.
Flaming Summer Colours. (macro: in Explore)
Nadine V.
Sunrays on my skin... (macro: in Explore)
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