Nadine V.: Idle Hoverfly…
Nadine V.: Dented Eye: a Fight with my Wife and I lost…
Nadine V.: Hoverfly showing off its brandnew striped pyjamas
Nadine V.: Tiny "Long Hoverfly"
Nadine V.: Tired of hoverflying
Nadine V.: Psychedelic Colours – without their swirling patterns
Nadine V.: An attractive setting makes me look (almost) attractive too...
Nadine V.: Miss Universe
Nadine V.: Close encounters…
Nadine V.: Let me help you and pull you out of that mess…
Nadine V.: Just hanging around
Nadine V.: It is better to be alone than in bad company (George Washington)
Nadine V.: Tiny hoverfly
Nadine V.: Hoverfly... (view large, please. Thank you.)
Nadine V.: Hoverfly in striped pyjamas
Nadine V.: Super Small, Slender, Smart, Sophisticated and Stylish: the Long Hoverfly (Explored)
Nadine V.: Hoverfly in a black-and-white world
Nadine V.: “Sit still so I can see what the neighbours are up to…”
Nadine V.: Look at my tail and guess my name: Scorpionfly!
Nadine V.: Lavender with Visitor
Nadine V.: Miss Universe…
Nadine V.: Vertigo?
Nadine V.: The pretty Hoverfly and the Thistle (Explore)
Nadine V.: Migraine?
Nadine V.: Hoverfly wearing its party outfit
Nadine V.: A lick and a promise.
Nadine V.: Hurrying home to My Better Half...
Nadine V.: Almost there… About to land.
Nadine V.: Flaming Summer Colours. (macro: in Explore)
Nadine V.: Sunrays on my skin... (macro: in Explore)