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Flowers by Nadine V.
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Nadine V.
Nadine V.
The helicopters of a dandelion : can I make a wish now? (Macro in Explore)
Nadine V.
Upside down (macro)
Nadine V.
Pink and white beauty after a shower of rain. (macro)
Nadine V.
Hoverfly on withering rose, desperately looking for... (macro)
Nadine V.
"Withered Daisy": seen in Explore (macro)
Nadine V.
Making a wish... (in Explore)
Nadine V.
Lilac! (in Explore)
Nadine V.
Natural beauty... in Explore...
Nadine V.
Softness overload in Explore. (macro)
Nadine V.
The world is a rose, smell it and pass it on to your friends. (in Explore)
Nadine V.
Your PC has a bug? Here’s Lady Bird to date it… (macro: in Explore)
Nadine V.
Time brings roses. May 2011 bring you all the best!
Nadine V.
Weight lifting for little ladies
Nadine V.
Star Diver! (Can you find him?)
Nadine V.
Pinkish white
Nadine V.
Just a ladybird…
Nadine V.
Rainy day for roses and little creatures
Nadine V.
Nadine V.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever. ~ Carl Sagan
Nadine V.
If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn. ~ ~ ~ Andrew V. Mason ~ ~ ~ (Explore)
Nadine V.
Nadine V.
Yummy for my Tummy
Nadine V.
Nadine V.
Echinacea (coneflower)
Nadine V.
The Thistle of Scotland: May the new year 2013 be less spiky than 2012!!
Nadine V.
Water Lily (in Explore)
Nadine V.
Lady Liking Lavender
Nadine V.
The scent of a flower will always stay on the hand of the giver
Nadine V.
It is better to be alone than in bad company (George Washington)
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