grrrrrr: Victory by Rodin, Burrell collection, Glasgow
reurinkjan: Snow Line at the Tibetan Plateau
Minke Wagenaar: Vincent van Gogh 1890 Almond blossom
Stalmaz: Van Gogh Almond blossom [752x593]
magika42000: Giovanni Bellini, Vierge à l'Enfant
dbar2: IMGP1546
Sukanto Debnath: Window and Flowers
Shabbir Ferdous: James Finlays Tea Bangladesh
ngohongvan25881: Workers are picking tea buds in nothern Vietnam
Jarabhuti: White Tea
Blue Cockatoo: Bud Tea
Porterness Studio: rose bud tea
Tom Furst: Rwandan Tea Plantation
pumpkinoodle: Tea Is Big, Downtown
hownowdesign: Green tea
hownowdesign: Green tea
~Mers: Green Layers
ajari: tea plantation_13
ajari: tea plantation_08
"T"eresa: too much cat mint
Neal Bingham: Cheese
Neshamah Spirit Art: ウーロン茶 - oolong with ginger & cherries
Simple Life: Tea-pot & green-apple
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Berry Tea...
lecercle: Tea Pickers in Eastern Nepal
phitar: old tamang woman drinking tea
phitar: serving tea in nepal
leeman73: Tea Pot