AllieMark: Picnic lunch near Kekehungu
AllieMark: It looks chilly, but the air is comfortably warm
AllieMark: Testing the waters...they are COLD
AllieMark: In Kaikoura, we start out through town on the 4-hour loop
AllieMark: Allie revists her inner child on the swings
AllieMark: Whee!
AllieMark: Mark eggs her on to go higher and higher
AllieMark: Mark then tries the swing, but Allie is camera-challenged. This is the only photo with Mark in the swing.
AllieMark: Mark is swinging, can't you just seem to the right
AllieMark: Our walk takes us by the Old Pier, an area now abandoned and slated for redevelopment
AllieMark: This boy keeps jumping into the chilly water
AllieMark: Looking back to Kaikoura town from the old pier
AllieMark: One of the abandoned buildings, a shellfish factory
AllieMark: A GIANT dahlia, cradled by Mark's hand
AllieMark: An old fireplace, from a customs shed
AllieMark: We meet our first NZ fur seal
AllieMark: The seals are crashed out, and smell
AllieMark: Don't bother me, I'm napping
AllieMark: Signage about the area and wharf
AllieMark: Another sleeping seal, perched precariously on a wall
AllieMark: Mark finds a whale bone on an old whaling beach
AllieMark: An elusive creature, Mark is captured on camera
AllieMark: At the lookout for the seal colony
AllieMark: On the Kaikoura Peninsula walk, with the seal colony cove
AllieMark: Looking out over the seal colony area
AllieMark: Mark realizes he doesn't have the camera
AllieMark: We wonder how these massive trees must have looked before they were cut down
AllieMark: Sun breaking through the clouds
AllieMark: Waves wash over the tip of the peninsula, creating a safe spot for seals
AllieMark: The seal colony cove - we can see about 20 seals lying on the rocks or swimming